CSD (The Cambridge Structural Database)
The CSD database is now hosted on a computer system at the JRD Tata Memorial Library. As of now, the database can be accessed only from a computer system running a Linux distribution like Ubuntu or CentOS.
Kindly follow the instructions detailed below to access the database:
- Open a terminal session on a Linux system
- Switch to super user (root id)
- As super user, execute the command,
#mount -t nfs /mnt
If all the prerequisite software components are installed on the client computer, the command will get executed successfully. If it doesn't, try executing the following command as super user:
For CentOS::
#yum install nfs*
For Ubuntu:
#apt-get install nfs*
Once the above command gets executed successfully, try the mount command (step 3) once again. Hopefully, the /mnt filesystem should get mounted. Then,
4. #cd /mnt
5. #cd /CSD_2019/bin
Try executing any of the CSD applications, like ./cq, or ./mercury, etc
If the application prompts for 'Site No.' and 'Confirmation Code', kindly refer to the broadcast mail, dated 19 August, 2019, or send an e-mail to, services.library@iisc.ac.in
To use CrossMiner, execute the following commands:
#cd /mnt/ CSD_CrossMiner_1.5.2/bin
.# ./crossminer
Should you have any problem in accessing the CSD system, kindly send an e-mail to: services.library@iisc.ac.in