This series of high-level monographs is designed to meet the need for detailed expositions in current research fields. Each volume in the Mathematical Surveys and Monographs series gives a survey of the subject along with a brief introduction to recent developments and unsolved problems. These E-Books have been procured from the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) grant. You may click on any of the titles listed below to access the online version of that E-Book. Kindly note, systematic downloading of E-Books will amount to infringement of license agreement and, it may result in temporary access blockade.
E-Book Title | Author(s) | Year of Publication Sort ascending |
Algebraic Geometric Codes: Basic Notions | Michael Tsfasman, Serge Vlǎduţ, and Dmitry Nogin | 2007 |
Control and Nonlinearity | Jean-Michel Coron | 2007 |
Operator Theory in Function Spaces: Second Edition | Kehe Zhu | 2007 |
Ricci Flow: Techniques and Applications: Part I: Geometric Aspects | Bennett Chow Sun-Chin Chu David Glickenstein Christine Guenther James Isenberg Tom Ivey Dan Knopf Peng Lu Feng Luo and Lei Ni | 2007 |
Yangians and Classical Lie Algebras | Alexander Molev | 2007 |
Systolic Geometry and Topology | Mikhail G. Katz | 2007 |
Valuations, Orderings, and Milnor K-Theory | Ido Efrat | 2006 |
Steenrod Squares in Spectral Sequences | William M. Singer | 2006 |
Traces of Hecke Operators | Andrew Knightly and Charles Li | 2006 |
Painlevé Transcendents: The Riemann-Hilbert Approach | Athanassios S. Fokas, Alexander R. Its, Andrei A. Kapaev and Victor Yu. Novokshenov | 2006 |
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