IISc has perpetual access to several eBook collections from the leading publishers like the American Mathematical Society, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Springer, John Wiley, etc. These collections are presented here in the alphabetical order of the eBook titles. You may click on any of the alphabets listed below to view the listing of the titles for that alphabet and then click on the specific eBook title to access it online. Kindly note, systematic downloading of eBooks will amount to infringement of license agreement and, it may result in temporary access blockade
E-Book Title | Author(s) | Editor(s) | Publisher | Year of Publication |
Validation of Advanced Computational Methods for Multiphase Flow | Herve Lemonnier; Didier Jamet; Olivier Lebaigue | Begell House | 2008 | |
Valuations, Orderings, and Milnor K-Theory | Ido Efrat | AMS | 2006 | |
Variational analysis in Sobolev and BV spaces: applications to PDEs and optimiz… | Attouch, Hedy ; Buttazzo, Giuseppe ; Michaille, Gérard | SIAM | 2006 | |
Variational and Optimal Control Problems on Unbounded Domains | Gershon Wolansky, Alexander J. Zaslavski | AMS | 2014 | |
Variational methods for eigenvalue approximation | Weinberger, Hans F. | SIAM | 1974 | |
Variational Methods for Nonlocal Fractional Problems | Giovanni Molica Bisci, Vicentiu D. Radulescu, Raffaella Servadei | Cambridge University Press | 2016 | |
Variational methods in nonlinear elasticity | Pedregal, Pablo | SIAM | 2000 | |
Vector Measures | J. Diestel and J. J. Uhl Jr. | AMS | 1977 | |
Vehicle routing problem | Paolo Toth ; Daniele Vigo | SIAM | 2002 | |
Vibrations of Tubes in Heat Exchangers | Algirdas Zukauskas; Vladislavas Katinas | Begell House | 2014 |
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