Begell House Digital Library (BDL)

J.R.D. Tata Memorial Library subscribes to the following BDL journals. You may click on any of the titles listed below to access the online version of that journal. Kindly note, systematic downloading of journal articles will amount to infringement of license agreement and, it may result in temporary access blockade.

Access Period
Volume 34, Issue 1 - Present
Volume 31, Issue 1, 1994- Present
Volume 43, Issue 20, 2001 - Present
Volume 31, Issue 1, 1993 - Present
Volume 34, Issue 10, 2000 - Present
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2020 - Present
Volume 27, Issue 1, 1998 - Present
Volume 1, 2012.
Volume 30, Issue 1, 1994 - Present
Volume 36, Issue 1, 1982 - Present

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