Users' Co-operation is Solicited in the following matters :

  • Silence is to be strictly observed.
  • Smoking and eating is prohibited.
  • Users are requested to avoid talking or discussion that will disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for individual study only.
  • Care must be taken to see that the library walls, furniture and reading materials are not spoiled/damaged/soiled in any way.
  • Chairs and tables should not be disturbed from their position
  • Readers are requested to switch off their Mobile phones.
  • Users should avoid resting their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, window sills.
  • Books and bound volumes should be handled with great care. Please avoid keeping the volumes open on the table. or putting with their faces
  • down, or inserting note books or pencils in between the pages and closing them. Pages must not be folded to serve as book marks.
  • Mutilation and disfiguring of pages of library materials by ink or pencil marks are prohibited.
  • Defects found in the books and bound volumes taken out for reading or borrowing should be brought immediately to the notice of the staff on duty.
  • Books loaned should be protected from RAIN, DUST, INSECTS, etc.

General Instructions:

  • Loss of Borrower`s card to be reported immediately in writing.
  • Change in Department, Status,Address etc. to be informed and the tickets corrected.
  • Please handle documents with great care as they are costly and valuable,particularly loose issue of periodicals. 
    Please do not mutilate documents.
  • All books and if required, the contents of all briefcases, etc. which are being taken out of the library, are subject to inspection at the Check Point.
    Please Co-operate.
  • personal Papers and non-library materials should not be left unattended on tables.
  • On violation of Library Rules or misconduct of any reader,the library authorities can withdraw the library facilities to that particular individual.

Please Do :

  • Sign the register kept at the Check point,While entering the library.
  • Show the documents which are being taken out of the library,to the staff at the check point.
  • Contact the staff on duty/section staff for any queries.
  • Keep the Library premises tidy.

Please do not :

  • Waste more than half an hour to locate the documents. If you experience any difficulty in locating the required material,Please contact the Library Staff/librarian.
  • Move books/journals from its specific area to another area
  • Replace the material: the library staff will do it for you. (Please remember the document misplaced is document lost)
  • Write in a book/journal unless it is your cheque book
  • Give Photocopy coupons to out-siders
  • Give borrowers cards to others.